Designed for enthusiasts and newcomers to the sport, irrespective of whether they ultimately intend to compete or simply just enjoy fencing.
Basic Recreational fencing for Fencers in Clubs & Schools. Recreational fencing membership, can participate at a Nigerian Fencing club, but cannot compete in sanctioned events. Receives subscription to Eagle Fencers.
Competitive U-17
Can compete at sanctioned local, divisional, national, regional, and international competitions. Receives subscription to Eagle Fencers.
Competitive U-14
Can compete at sanctioned local, divisional, national, regional, and international competitions. Receives subscription to Eagle Fencers
Supporter membership is for Volunteers, Fans, Supporters and Parents. Receives subscription to Eagle Fencers. Can travel with the team for competitions.
Competitive U-10
Can compete at sanctioned local, divisional, national, regional, and international competitions. Receives subscription to Eagle Fencers.
Required for all Nigerian fencing coaches. Require safe sport training and current background screen. Can compete at local, divisional, regional, and national-level competitions. Receives subscription to Eagle Fencers.
Member clubs can host sanctioned events. Club will be listed on Nigerian Fencing’s online “Find a Club” portal. Received subscription to Eagle Fencers. Club can field a team at national events.